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Q: If it’s not a battery then what is it?


A: We may refer to our power units as ‘batteries’ for familiarity and ease-of-understanding for new Level A clients, but our power system is actually a unique category of power source that has more in common with a fuel cell-like engine than a battery cell designed to hold a charge.


To achieve this engine-like and independent generation of electricity, Métalectrique technology uses a safe chemical reaction that changes aluminium to aluminium hydroxide – a safe and environmentally waste product that can be reverted back to aluminium as fuel for future units. This not only means that future Métalectrique power units will benefit from an ever-decreasing source of fuel – but also represents the first truly CO2-free ecosystem of recycled power.


Q: Why doesn’t this battery recharge?

A: Our battery doesn’t recharge because it’s not – a battery. A rechargeable battery, such as a lithium ION cell, is a secondary power system that carries electrical power. Our technology is a primary power system which actually generates electrical power from a fuel independently rather than simply ‘charging’ from another primary source. Just as an engine burns fuel to release energy, the reaction that generates electricity in our system just uses a different fuel; and a different ‘engine’ is used to release that energy.


Just as you don’t need to charge a petrol-based engine from another power source, our CO2-free fuel cell-like engine generates its power independently and is simply refuelled within a matter of seconds. This means no charging times; no dependency on a larger and location-bound power infrastructure; and an unlimited number of refuel cycles that means no degradation of the power system over time.


Q: Other fuel and battery technologies require ongoing mining and extraction. Why is it different for Métalectrique?

A: Although our current Level C service promises the convenience of a continuous aluminium swap and supply service for your licenced vehicles, this process will soon become even more efficient for the ecosystem as a whole: future territory partners in key regions will have the opportunity to innovate this process, enabling the aluminium to be recycled into a re-usable form almost removes the need to extract new aluminium entirely.


Unlike a lithium-based infrastructure that may require non-renewable power sources, the smelting process used to convert aluminium into aluminium hydroxide will be use energy sources such as solar and wind – thus making the entire cycle CO2-free.


Q: Is a Métalectrique system safer than Lithium ION?

A: Yes. Unlike chargeable cell-based technologies such as lithium ION batteries, hazards such as combustion and explosion are not possible. Our technology is very safe for a variety of configurations, with normal operating temperatures at about 25 degrees centigrade (77 Fahrenheit). Just as Métalectrique power units offer unprecedented possibilities in range and longevity; our technology is also a breakthrough in its ability to safely integrated into a variety of vehicles and environments.


Q: How green is the Métalectrique system?


A: Métalectrique technology produces no CO2, harmful gases or substances. If our technology were to replace all petroleum systems, the full cycle of the technology would only require green and sustainable aluminium smelting plants. However, in addition to powering future smelting plants with other CO2-free sources such as wind and solar: one further advancement in future territory smelting plants will be the removal of the bitumen coating on the anode; this removes a stage of the process that would historically release some CO2 into the atmosphere, meaning that territory smelters will only produce three elements: aluminium, oxygen and water.


This means that our Métalectrique power units are already CO2-free individually, and our future territory partners will take this a step further by building entire infrastructures that achieve a truly net-zero carbon footprint.


Q: But surely, electric vehicles can’t go as far as vehicles with an engine? How far can your technology go?


A: You would be right. An electric vehicle running on rechargeable batteries can’t go as far as vehicles with a fuel-based power system. Although our power system is CO2-free and ‘electric’ rather than petrol fuel: our MAL power system is completely different and can be better understood as an electric engine which is ‘fuelled’ by a special reaction between the liquid electrolyte and aluminium cells.


This offers multiple advantages over a Lithium ION based system, and the biggest difference is the capacity for range: in a standard small electric car, a custom-developed power system under a Level B project will enable an estimated 1500 miles (2414 km) before needing to refuel. And for our clients with larger and more innovative vehicle designs in development, this range potential can be extended even further.

Q: How does it compare to Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries? 


A: Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are a great solution for small and portable electronic devices; but the weight and surface area required per energy output is not suitable for vehicles where short range, hour-long recharging and limited battery lifespan are not an option. In energy terms, our technology is 9 times that of lithium-ion with the same weight and 4 times that of lithium-ion with the same volume. This translates to much more energy for a much lower weight and surface area.


Q: How much would this technology cost the driver?


A: In a traditional lithium ION-based electric vehicle, the £10,000-£20,000 cost of replacing the original battery makes the true cost per mile out of the reach of the average consumer. However, an electric vehicle using the MAL modular and refuellable power system offers the driver the same convenience of paying only for a 90-second cell refuelling process: this means an unlimited number of low-cost refuelling cycles at an effective cost of 7 pence per mile (£); but also the freedom of refuelling quickly before the next long-range drive.


In addition, depending on the territory and distribution partner, future Level C car manufacturers of MAL power technologies are planning to integrate this cost of refuelling into the cost of the vehicle itself, and as part of custom refuelling stations across Europe: this means that drivers should expect the cost of refuelling to decrease over time, and even to be free-of -charge in future territories.  


Q: Can we request the private development of a custom Métalectrique unit prototype for our electric vehicle in production?


A: Yes. This is facilitated under our Level B prototype development phase. At £1.2 million, this private project will span over an estimated 2-year period, enabling you to observe a team of our engineers conceptualise, design and iterate your power unit prototype: this process will be geared directly to the evolving performance and range requirements of your electric vehicle in production.


In addition, your Level B project will include a basic pilot and testing licence, enabling you to test your power unit prototype in a handful of test vehicles at an approved MAL site towards the end of your project. This will enable your Level B project to act as a detailed case study before licensing duplicates of this same design and integrating units into your electric vehicles in mass production. 


Q: Can we licence our developed custom Métalectrique unit prototype for mass integration, refuelling and supply?


A: Yes. This is facilitated under our Level C manufacture and supply stage. Once you have completed your Level B prototype development and testing phase, you will be able to request duplicates of this same power unit for your vehicles in production. This level of service will include the manufacture and supply of your duplicated unit design to your number of active vehicles; the collection and refuelling of expired power units; and 24/7 client support for questions on scale increases and your integration procedure.


The cost of your Level C licence will depend on the required number of active vehicles; your choice of integration procedure; the scale of your required territory; and whether your target territories interfere with the presence of other Level C clients.


Q: Will you reveal a demo of my private Level B and C units to other clients?


A: No. No active units will be shown to clients, investors or territory partners. Instead, partners may be safely referred to online demos of our stem demonstration units. However, if you are already a Level A client, you can request an in-person demo of one of our non-client miniature demonstration units: this will usually be completed in conjunction with your design concept report towards the end of your Level A exploratory project.


Q: Can we licence our developed custom Métalectrique unit prototype to other vehicle manufacturers as a distributor?


A: Yes. If you are a vehicle manufacturer and have already completed a Level A exploratory project: you may be able to request a modified extension licence under Level B that develops a ‘universal’ unit prototype for multiple vehicle manufacturers in your target territory; and after your Level B project, you will equally have the option of requesting a modified territory licence under Level C: this will include features such as the ability to modify how power units are refuelled and recycled with a local aluminium smelting plant infrastructure; but also the refuelling experience of your drivers at your own branded stations.

Q: Can I act as a re-distributor of your service stages to vehicle manufacturers in my territory?


A: Yes. If you are in an industry related to renewable energy, you may be able to begin re-distributing our Level A, B and C offerings to vehicle manufacturers using a custom sales interface and an integration with your existing services. As part of your affiliate onboarding, you will be provided an affiliate setup service: this will provide you a setup pack for commercial documents and your custom sales interface and is charged at the same price as our Level A exploratory stage, at £25,000.


After completing your onboarding stages and paying your affiliate franchise fee, you will be able to begin re-distributing our offerings in exchange to an agreed commission percentage, paid quarterly to your organisation.


Q: Can we start at the concept and research level to plan this project before moving on to the prototype and licensing phases?


A: We are fully aware that the majority of electric vehicle design projects – including the development of a power unit prototype – require initial research, conceptual planning and confirmation of commercial viability. If you are a vehicle manufacturer that requires this stage of research as a means to secure investment and commercial approval, we offer an alternative to your internal team to complete this process on your behalf while freeing up your time for other parts of the project.


This project stage is facilitated under our Level A exploratory service at a cost of £25,000 and spanning an estimated 8-week period. In addition, as well as externalising the internal phase of research: this project stage also enables us to engage under NDA; discuss a range of possibilities for a later Level B and C stage; and build confidence in how a future prototype can integrate commercially into your business model.


Q: Can we go straight to Level B and begin our prototype development project?


A: Yes. You can go straight to Level B to begin your prototype development project. This will simply mean that, as the Level A stage is required in all cases prior to beginning a Level B project, you will begin a smaller sub-project identical to Level A following your Level B deposit: as with the standalone Level A service, this stage will span an 8-week period but with the advantage of seamlessly transitioning to your Level B project.


Q: Can we go straight to Level C and begin licensing custom units for our electric vehicle?


A: Yes. You can theoretically request a single Level C project to achieve the most seamless transition between Levels A, B and C under one single project. However, as using our Level C service requires the use of an existing custom-developed power unit prototype for your electric vehicle: this would first completing the Level A phase of your project over an 8-week period; followed by the Level B phase of your project over an 18-month period; and then the final stage of Level C, whereby your territory rights and authorised vehicles will be confirmed under a custom licence agreement.


Q: Where can I buy one of your power systems as a direct consumer?


A: No. Although buying our power system directly for single vehicles is not available today, future consumers of a Métalectrique-powered car may be able to pay for the refuelling process directly at service stations in partnership with certain territory partners. In addition, future partners may also enable direct consumers in certain territories and request a petrol-to-MAL conversion service directly: this will vary depending on the regulatory environment, but in some cases may enable this process to be covered through partnerships with local governments as part of CO2-free initiatives.


However, if you are an existing vehicle manufacturer, you are able to request the development of a custom Métalectrique power unit for a vehicle in development under a Level B contract; which you will then be able to integrate on mass under a Level C supply and licence agreement for your target territories.


Q: What is Métalectrique? What’s the company called?


A: Métalectrique combines two French words ‘métal’ and ‘électrique’. When originally founded in France as Métalectrique SAS, this denoted the reaction between our proprietary aluminium cathode and electrolyte liquid together. Now functioning as MAL Research and Development Limited in the United Kingdom, ‘MAL’ is used to refer to our company; whereas ‘Métalectrique’ is used to refer to our technology.

MAL Research & Development limited. Company number 07964862. All Rights Reserved.

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